Our guest for this episode is Blue Geisinger, an 18-year-old freshman at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. We caught him during his semester abroad at Konan University. His hometown is San Francisco, and together with the dorms at UH and his homestay in Maiko, Japan are the only three places he has lived. He speaks English and Japanese and is interested in learning German/Dutch, Korean, and maybe some other languages in the future. Below are links to online information on some of the topics covered.

Konan University – https://www.konan-u.ac.jp/english/ 

Year-in-Japan Program (Konan University) – https://www.konan-u.ac.jp/kiec/english/year-in-japan.html

City College of San Francisco – https://www.ccsf.edu/ 

Duolingo – https://www.duolingo.com/

University of Hawai’i at Mānoa – https://manoa.hawaii.edu/

Campus Housing Options at UH Mānoa – https://manoa.hawaii.edu/housing/communities/halealoha/ 

Japanese Language Program – https://manoa.hawaii.edu/catalog/category/arts-languages-letters/eall/jpn/

Sunset District, San Francisco – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunset_District,_San_Francisco

Christopher Thane Callahan – https://ealc.illinois.edu/directory/profile/ctc 

North Shore – https://www.hawaii-guide.com/oahu/regions/north-shore-oahu 

Kailua – https://kailuatownhi.com/ 

Mānoa Valley (Shaka Guide) – https://www.shakaguide.com/article/oahu/manoa-valley 

Independence High School – https://www.sfusd.edu/school/independence-high-school 

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge – https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3559.html